What is Biohacking?

Biohacking is more of a philosophy than anything else. It’s a new approach to self improvement. Biohacking is the practice of improving yourself in any and every way you can. It can be anything from making sure you have an optimal sleep pattern, to having electrical objects inserted into your body. That’s right, there are biohackers who are currently attempting to become cyborgs. They’re called grinders. Most biohackers don’t go that extreme – they just attempt to optimize their productivity per energy. For example, the best way to workout in the gym so that you get maximum muscle growth for a little time spent working out as possible. Biohackers like to experiment with their own body to find what works best. Each person’s body responds differently to the same approaches to health and fitness.

But biohacking isn’t just about health and fitness, it’s about all areas of life. The typical biohacker is interested in productivity, so that they may get ahead of competitors in the workplace or in business in general. Many entrepreneurs hold an interest in biohacking due to the efficiency needed to successfully run a business. Ninety nine percent of businesses fail. Biohacking is your tool to maximize the potential of your business succeeding. Biohacking can give you the edge that your competitors can only dream of achieving. It’s a secret weapon that isn’t secret. Biohacking is something anyone can do. But most people don’t

A Growing Trend

I don’t know why most people don’t do it; the only thing I know is that it helps all those who truly commit themselves to becoming a biohacker. You can use biohacking to improve your posture, or your memory, or the quality of sleep you get. You can use biohacking to live longer or to learn faster or to retire younger. There are no limits on how biohacking can improve your life. Only those of the laws of physics, everything else is up for grabs.


“What is Biohacking?” is a difficult question to answer without also getting into some other questions usually accompanying it. The main question is usually a general inquiry into Grinders. Grinders are the type of biohackers who seek to modify their body with electronic devices. Some have computer chips inserted into their arms to monitor their health, while others genuinely aim to become human-robot hybrids. They are a brave community who are actually pioneering a new industry, which may eventually be a normal part of human life. IT may seem strange now, but so did medicine a few generations soon.

Things change remarkably quickly. The superhero Iron Man is a fictional example of a Grinder. I’m sure there are many Grinders out there who secretly think of themselves as real life iron man. I have no doubt that people will one day be able to transform their bodies in a similar way to iron man, but maybe that makes me crazy. There is a lot of overlap with biohacking and trans-humanism. So I’m sure you’ll notice some similar themes and citations.

The Bare Bones

Biohacking is different for each person. What would be considered to me might be considered a step backwards for you. For some people, drinking more water is biohacking as it would improve their health and well being. But for those who already drink enough water, it would have little or no effect. For those of great physical health, biohacking might take tremendous effort.

One of the most important areas of biohacking is mental, or mindhacking. This involves techniques for learning faster and remembering more things for longer, and even improving eye sight. There are actual techniques a person can practice to improve their sight. It’s proven science. Maybe I’ll write an article on it in the near future.
This entire website is dedicated to biohacking, dedicated to bringing you the best biohacking ideas, as well as my personal experiments.

I’ll regularly be posting articles on everything from physical biohacks to mentalhacks, and everything in between. You’d be surprised at how much your life can suddenly switch to being bio-hack orientated. The type of coffee you drink, and the time of day you drink it, is something biohackers explore. So we really do experiment with everything that can impact your life.