In recent years ageing has come to be seen as a disease, rather than merely a fact of life. Researchers have been working virtually round the clock in the hope of finding a way to slow or even reverse ageing. There’s a long way to go in this field of study, of course. However it has been observed that a number of supplements can indeed aid in anti-ageing. Some are good for simply looking younger, while others can actually lengthen lifespan. In this article I will run through ten of the best anti Ageing supplements for longevity and health. This list is in no particular order so there’s no reason to rank them against each others in terms of efficacy.

10: Vitamin K2

K2 is one of the most powerful, yet overlooked vitamins. When most think of vitamin K they think only of K1, a completely different and easier to get form of the micronutrient. K2 is much more useful for our bodies, activating specific proteins than in turn kick off vital chain reactions. First of all, K2 is known to greatly reduce the chances of getting both heart disease and cancer. Your bones and teeth become physically stronger, thanks to K2 making calcium intake more effective. The vitamin is good for the brain, it’s good for fertility, and can even improve performance in the gym. And of course it is one of the best ant ageing supplements out there, activating elastin to make your skin more supple and youthful. But as vitamin K2 is almost exclusively found in fermented foods, the best way for us to consume it is via a supplement.

9: Curcumin

herbs as anti ageing supplements
Curcumin is a herbal supplement found chiefly in turmeric. So you might be surprised by the long list of health benefits gained from this simple herb. The great strength of curcumin is it’s anti inflammatory nature, making all kinds of disease less likely- from heart disease to Alzheimer’s. Inflammation also plays a major role in ageing, both health wise and physical appearance. Inflammation affects the skin, making it actually look older and more damaged. It’s also thought curcumin may be a powerful antioxidant. This means it can reduce the oxidative damage that harms the actual cells of your body, from your brain to your muscles. Researchers now believe Curcumin can be used to fight a broad range of age-related diseases, especially arthritis. But Curcumin only makes up around 3 percent of turmeric. So a supplement is needed to get an adequate amount of this incredible compound.

8: Hydrolyzed Collagen

Collagen is a vital type of protein. It’s a big part of what makes our skin elastic and tight. But as we get older the levels of collagen in our body decreases, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin. This makes it very important, since skin is actually the largest organ of the body. More than 25 percent of all the protein cells in your body are Collagen. So if you desire a more youthful looking skin, Collagen might be a good place to start. Hydrolyzed Collagen is simply collagen that has been broken down into amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Amino acids are far easier for the body to absorb, then going on to create actual collagen with them. I believe it to be one of the best anti ageing supplements since it ensures you have enough amino acids to produce a good amount of collagen.

7: Dasatinib And Quercetin

Dasatinib And Quercetin are two different supplements that when used together are thought to have an incredible effect on biology. When a cell within our body has grown weak to the point it can no longer divide into new cells, they enter into a zombie like state. These zombie cells are called senescent cells. When they build up in large quantities it causes all kinds of problems for all kinds of complex reasons. To put it simply, they age us harshly. When taken together, Dasatinib And Quercetin seem to have the ability to slow down this process. The research is still being done so we do not know as much as I would like. But it may even be able to decrease the number of senescent cells in the body.

6: Hyaluronic Acid

Packets of anti ageing supplements
Hyaluronic acid is a substance that plays a role in your joints. It also has the ability to retain water. This makes it a favorite ingredient of topical skincare products. Any skincare expert will tell you into important to stay hydrated. That is, after all, why we moisturize. The acid literally binds to water, pulling in moisture from the air around you. With that in mind, you’ll note that multiple studies show that supplementing Hyaluronic Acid makes the skin appear more supple and soft. This of course plays a part in longevity as skin is the number one indicator of a person’s age. I personally use Hyaluronic Acid topically, as my skincare products list it as an ingredient. But many others consume Hyaluronic Acid orally.

5: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It’s common to think all fats are bad. But Omega-3 is the good kind of fat, with all kinds of health benefits observed by researchers. Since good fats are vital to brain function, Omega-3 can reduce depression and anxiety disorders. It can also reduces almost all known causes of heart disease, which in itself can improve longevity. You have to remember that heart disease is a leading killer of men now. Omega-3 is also vital to the way you look, playing a part in skin elasticity. These fatty acids protect your cells from inflammation and various forms of other damage. Studies have for a long time shows Omega-3 has defensive properties in relation to inflammation, chronic or otherwise.

4: Co-enzyme Q10

You’ve probably never heard of the Co-enzyme Q10. While still relatively new to the longevity scene and not yet approved as a medication, research shows there are tangible benefits. A lot of skincare products make use of Q10, including the lotion I personally use. The main benefit seems to be in how it can rejuvenate your skin. Applying it in a cream or lotion can protect your skin from the elements. It also increases how effective your individual cells are, making skin glow. Since our body does not produce or stole Q10 it is advised you take it daily, or not at all.

3: Vitamin D

Vitamin D as anti ageing supplements
Vitamin D is not a normal vitamin, it’s actually a steroid hormone. Not only is it a hormone but it’s the most common dietary deficiency on earth. It’s thought one billion humans do not get enough Vitamin D. This means a billion people don’t absorb calcium or magnesium like their body is meant to. It also means they age prematurely, since Vitamin D directly governs 5 percent of all our genetic functions. And that 5 percent has an impact on the other 95 percent. So if you have adequate levels of vitamin D, your entire body will literally function better. Hence why it is one of the most effective anti ageing supplements available.

2: Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane is a compound found in certain leafy green vegetables. It’s a big part of what makes broccoli and Brussels sprouts so healthy. In order to get enough of it to take advantage of it’s anti ageing properties, you’d need to eat a ridiculous amount of the vegetables. But that can cause bloating and certain other issues. Many instead take Sulforaphane concentrated as a supplement. Very little research has been done into the effects of Sulforaphane. But most agree that it can alleviate diabetes, suppress cancer, and possibly protect against brain damage. We know it activates what are known as heat shock proteins, which actively fight ageing. Sulforaphane has also been noted for it’s ability to protect cells from free radical damage, much like Vitamin D. I’d suggest supplementing this in tandem with Vitamin D for best results.

1: Probiotic

various anti ageing supplements
Probiotics are sort of the ugly step sister of anti ageing supplements. The idea behind probiotics are quite simple – they are living cultures of good bacteria and yeast. While bad bacteria can be harmful, good bacteria can actually prolong and raise the quality of life. They are generally safe to consume, both as a supplement and food/ drink, as long as you don’t take too many. Having healthy and diverse gut bacteria has a list of benefits as long as my arm. High blood pressure, depression, infectious diseases, cholesterol, stomach ulcers and more are all reduced by healthy bacteria. Probiotics are fittingly also effective at slowing and reversing the effects of ageing. They fight oxidative stress and therefore reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The actual elasticity of skin will be enhanced too, as will the quality of your hair and nails.