10 Longest Living Countries In The World

10 Longest Living Countries In The World

We tend to think of health and fitness as being fairly static – as if we all have an equal chance to live a long and happy life. But just as not all countries are equal in financial wealth, we are not equal in longevity. Some nations live longer than others. The...
10 Weird Alternative Therapies You Wont Believe

10 Weird Alternative Therapies You Wont Believe

Alternative medicine is an interesting topic. Essentially it is any medicine that has not been proven to actually work. It ranges from ancient traditional healing techniques and herbs that may be beneficial, to absolute nonsense. In this article we will focus entirely...
10 Oldest Martial Arts In The World

10 Oldest Martial Arts In The World

Martial arts are an old and noble tradition, in some cases dating back thousands of years. The mere mention of the term can conjure up images of ancient Shaolin monks studying Kung-fu in remote mountain temples. But the oldest martial arts are not from the Shaolin...
10 Best Supplements For Sleep

10 Best Supplements For Sleep

Sleep is vital to our biology, without it we will die. But not all sleep is equal. Millions of people across the world are getting by on poor quality sleep. For some it’s the length of their sleep, for others it’s the actual depth of it. Getting optimal...
10 Best Longevity And Anti Ageing Supplements

10 Best Longevity And Anti Ageing Supplements

In recent years ageing has come to be seen as a disease, rather than merely a fact of life. Researchers have been working virtually round the clock in the hope of finding a way to slow or even reverse ageing. There’s a long way to go in this field of study, of...