10 Biohacking Supplements To Try Out

10 Biohacking Supplements To Try Out

One of the major areas of interest to biohackers is heal supplements. They come in various kinds and at various price points. Everything from supermarket bought multivitamins to rare herbal treatments from the top of mountains can be found out there. Opinions on the...
10 Weird Alternative Therapies You Wont Believe

10 Weird Alternative Therapies You Wont Believe

Alternative medicine is an interesting topic. Essentially it is any medicine that has not been proven to actually work. It ranges from ancient traditional healing techniques and herbs that may be beneficial, to absolute nonsense. In this article we will focus entirely...
10 Best Supplements For Sleep

10 Best Supplements For Sleep

Sleep is vital to our biology, without it we will die. But not all sleep is equal. Millions of people across the world are getting by on poor quality sleep. For some it’s the length of their sleep, for others it’s the actual depth of it. Getting optimal...
10 Benefits Of Ice Baths

10 Benefits Of Ice Baths

Benefits of ice baths? Ice baths might not spring to mind when you think of practices for health and fitness, but modern science is revealing the very real benefits of taking them. Until recently, it was only athletes who took them. But now an ever-rising number of...
10 Proven Benefits Of Yoga

10 Proven Benefits Of Yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice that has long been believed to bring spiritual, psychological, and mental benefits for anyone who does it. It’s known in the western world as that thing middle-aged mothers do, but it’s a serious and difficult form of exercise....
What Is Transhumanism?

What Is Transhumanism?

The Bare Bones: Transhumanism is one of those things that everyone has heard of but hardly anyone actually knows the definition of. The term means different things to different people, but the generally accepted understanding of Transhumanism is that it’s...